Innovative solutions for technology for betting, iGaming and online betting operations.



transacted per year



of monitored users



of requests processed

Advanced technology for Bets, from end to end.

Banking and Financial Services

Technology for High Volume of Transactions.

Payment systems, receivables anticipation and credit solutions.
Digital wallets: account management, balances, PIX and support for multiple urrencies.
Points and loyalty programs, cashback and exclusive promotions.
Management of multiple balances, with conversion between different currencies.
Cards for online payments, limit management and usage control.
Blockchain and Smart Contracts for cryptocurrency transactions.

Does your Bet need technology for financial operations? Talk to UDS.

Does your Bet need technology for financial operations? Talk to UDS.

Artificial intelligence

The true future of betting operations.

Dynamic odds adjustment and real-time market analysis.
Risk analysis for large bets, limit adjustment and fraud prevention.
24/7 automatic support, problem solving and betting recommendations.
Individual promotional offers and adaptive user interface.
Monitor social networks, customer reviews and opinion trends.
Predictive marketing campaigns, segmented users by behavior.


Optimize and protect your operation.

BI - Business Intelligence

Reliable data and quick decisions.

The technology partner of global brands working with your Bet.

100+ brands

Fastest-growing Brazilian tech company in the Americas
3rd best app developer in Latin America
World’s largest in 10 sectors have software developed by UDS

Talk to UDS and transform your betting operation