Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

Scalability and Cloud cost reduction for Brazil's largest Pay-TV operator

SKY’s DIRECTV GO streaming service faced three challenges: maintaining stability in the face of high volumes in access requests; lowering high operational costs; and preventing piracy of its content. To meet those challenges, the giant TV channel operator relied on UDS Cloud Consulting, which developed a customized infrastructure solution using AWS CloudFront.

See how we transformed Sky’s operation. Read on.

Case Study Paybrokers - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

AWS acknowledged the project for its innovation and for achieving a remarkable cost reduction: from 60 cents to 1 cent per million requests. In addition to the financial benefit, SKY now operates with a highly available and secure request validator, and the solution keeps evolving in order to meet the dynamic demands of the streaming industry. All those features consolidate DIRECTV GO as one of the most innovative platforms in the world.

See how we transformed Sky’s operation. Read on.

Case Study Paybrokers - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology



With a 100% digital signal in Brazil, SKY is the country’s largest satellite Pay-TV operator: more than 28% of TV subscribers use its services.

Acknowledged for its innovation, SKY was one of the pioneers in providing HD channels and led the launch of 4G broadband in Brazil. Moreover, its streaming service, named DIRECTV GO, is now available in Latin America and has millions of subscribers.

0 + million


0 years

in business

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology
Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology


Creating a scalable infrastructure capable of processing billions of requests aimed at SKY’s DirecTV GO

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology


Prior to our partnership, SKY had been validating streaming requests by using AWS WAF. Managing the growing volume in requests, which amounted to billions, soon became a challenge.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

Proper infrastructure had to be created in order to ensure stability even during traffic peaks.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology


The company incurred elevated costs, as billions of requests were active and the cost was 60 cents per million requests.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

Cost reduction had to be achieved without sacrificing quality or security.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology


Another concern was to protect their productions by creating anti-piracy barriers in order to prevent malicious attacks.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

DIRECTV GO’s security had to be increased in an automated way.

A high number of requests can overload a streaming service’s infrastructure:

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology
Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology
Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology
Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

There are also piracy threats: unauthorized access and illegal redistribution of content. That’s why it’s essential to proactively monitor, detect, and block users’ suspicious activity.


Easily managing requests by using AWS CloudFront; higher speed and lower costs.

Case Studies - UDS Technology


UDS developed a customized solution to validate access requests directed at SKY streaming.

We work with AWS CloudFront, Amazon’s CDN, with an innovative and pioneering technical solution in the use of this service.

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We took advantage of AWS CloudFront’s automatic scalability features to dynamically adjust content output according to demand.

As a result, costs have been drastically reduced.

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Anti-piracy barrier

We integrated CloudFront with Lambda functions by using customized rules, IPs, and routes for accessing content.

We increased security by blocking unauthorized access to DIRECTV GO.


Content Distribution at Scale

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

A CDN, or Content Delivery Network, is a network of geographically distributed servers that work together.

The main goal in using a CDN is to deliver content (images, videos or other) quickly and with quality, regardless of the user’s location.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

Streaming content faster, with high quality and at a reduced cost.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

The CDN stores copies of the content in the PoPs and, upon request, delivers the copy which is geographically closest to the user.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

Load distribution between CDN servers significantly reduces traffic at the origin server. This improves the responsiveness of that server and reduces bandwidth costs.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

Providing content from servers close to the user reduces latency and generates faster loading.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

Protection against DDoS attacks, SSL/TLS certificate management, among other advanced security features.


60x lower cost of requests and reinforced protection against piracy

By using UDS Cloud Services, SKY secured both a highly effective solution against piracy as well as simplified request management, while suppressing malicious access.

Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

The technical solution developed for SKY was acknowledged as unique at AWS: highlighting the innovation and technical excellence of UDS Cloud Services.

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Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

The project drastically reduced costs: from 60 cents to 1 cent per million requests.

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Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

The solution developed by UDS ensured a continuous and highly available operation for SKY.

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Case Study Sky - Cloud Consult - UDS Technology

UDS Cloud Services for SKY continue providing valuable deliveries, ensuring quality, stability, and security.

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