Development of Brazil’s Largest Aesthetic Marketplace Platform

Selffi’s a Marketplace focused on the entire customer journey of searching and purchasing aesthetic services in one place.

By choosing UDS as a partner, the company overcame technical limitations, seamlessly integrating clinics and patients.
Want to know how we developed Selffi? Read on.
The platform was developed by a squad specializing in Flutter and NodeJS, based on microservices. The team used a robust AWS Cloud infrastructure, ensuring stability and scalability.

The result was a pioneering, integrated, and efficient platform, optimizing the experience for both clinics and patients.

Want to know how we developed Selffi? Read on.



As the most comprehensive platform for aesthetic procedures in Brazil, Selffi guides users to the best clinics and professionals.

In addition to including procedures like collagen stimulators, Botox, lymphatic drainage, PDO threads, Invisalign, lifting, liposuction, fillers, and many more, it features the Selffi Club and various treatment packages.

Marketplace connects Clinics, Aestheticians, and Patients.

A diverse range of procedures.


Develop an innovative Marketplace to connect clinics, aestheticians, and patients.


The Marketplace needed to facilitate the steps of searching, purchasing, and scheduling aesthetic procedures for patients, clinics, and professionals.
It was necessary to define business rules, functionalities, and technical requirements for operation.


To bring the project to life, Selffi needed the expertise of a Software Development company with high-level technical teams.
The quality expectation was high due to the robustness of existing Marketplaces in other sectors.


The relationship between clinics and patients needed to be smooth and mediated via the Marketplace in detailed interactions, differing for each procedure.
Ensuring an excellent experience for professional users and patients was crucial.
One of the biggest challenges was integrating all touchpoints in the user journey and ensuring that the search and purchase of services were done in one place, without intermediaries.
This was unlike anything on the market. UDS’s experience in developing robust platforms was crucial to supporting Selffi in key business decisions.


UDS Squad develops a complete Marketplace integrating agents in the aesthetic chain.
Case Studies - UDS Technology

Specialist Squad

A multidisciplinary squad from UDS worked on specification, UX design, mobile development, web development, testing, and management.

We ensured that the client focused on business matters.
Case Studies - UDS Technology

Robust Platform

We chose mature technologies and made appropriate architectural and infrastructure decisions (serverless, microservices, observability, security).

This digital asset became a significant part of the company’s equity.

Cloud Consulting

We designed the topology and created the complete Cloud infrastructure, also enabling financial incentives for Selffi.

The platform is stable, scalable, and capable of absorbing high demand.


Inside the Product
Selffi bridges the gap between those seeking aesthetic procedures and the best professionals in Brazil, registered in the medical or dental fields. Users can find the most reputable professionals, book appointments, and make payments easily, without queues or paperwork, and with data security and reliability.


As the most comprehensive aesthetic procedures app in Brazil, the provider version of the Selffi App allows companies in the sector to create and offer their services on a reliable platform for patients and clients. Features include:

Procedure management

Professional’s schedule

Equipment management

Payment methods

Treatment plans

Reliable documents and records



With Selffi for patients, users enjoy a highly fluid experience, with flexibility, optimized search filters, price comparison, and more features.
Users can easily find professionals, clinics, and mediate details about their aesthetic procedures.

Procedure search

Clinic catalog

Easy payment methods

Quick and easy online booking


Store and publications




The Marketplace management area is designed to allow the Selffi team to control access data, users, and content available on the platform.
Together, these solutions integrate a complete and secure platform for clinics and patients, with a rigorous selection of professionals. Everything is designed to promote an incredible user experience.


Secure and Scalable

For backend management, Node.js was chosen for its efficiency in running high-performance, scalable applications.

This choice allows the use of JavaScript to develop robust solutions, optimizing development and ensuring agile management.
For mobile development, Flutter stands out for its simplified integration with native resources.

It allows dynamic iOS and Android app creation in a unified development environment, optimizing production time and reducing costs.

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